The Made By Aves Collection

Where creativity meets craftsmanship to bring you a diverse range of unique, handcrafted treasures.

At Made By Aves, we take pride in creating one-of-a-kind items that add a touch of personality to your everyday essentials. From vibrant badge reels and stylish keychains to eye-catching lanyards and intricately hand-dyed tie-dye pieces, our collection is a celebration of individuality and creativity.

Every item in our collection is lovingly handcrafted with attention to detail, ensuring that no two pieces are exactly alike. This means that when you shop with us, you're not just purchasing a product - you're investing in a piece of art that is as unique as you are.

Explore our collection and discover the perfect accessory to express your style and make a statement. Join us in celebrating the beauty of handmade craftsmanship and add a touch of handmade magic to your everyday life with Made By Aves.

Everything About Made By Aves

Welcome to Made By Aves, a labor of love born from a passion for creativity and a dream to turn what I love into a fulfilling career.

It all started with a deep-rooted love for making and creating things. From a young age, I found joy in crafting unique pieces that brought beauty and joy to those around me. As time went on, this passion only grew stronger, becoming an integral part of who I am.

With the unwavering support of my husband, I took a leap of faith and turned my beloved hobby into a full-fledged business. Together, we embarked on a journey to share my creations with the world and bring a touch of handmade magic to others.

Every item you see in our collection is a reflection of this journey - a testament to the love, dedication, and creativity that went into its creation. From badge reels to keychains, lanyards to hand-dyed tie-dye pieces, each piece is crafted with care and attention to detail, making it truly unique and special.

Join us on this creative adventure and discover the beauty of handmade craftsmanship. Thank you for supporting our small business and allowing us to turn our passion into a way of life.

With love,
Avery (aka Aves)


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